Even though cold exposure is an ancient “hack” - it is definitely getting a lot of attention lately (and we are not just referring to the wild wintery weather we are currently experiencing here in Bondi at the moment!) 

If you haven’t tried the cold exposure “Biohack” yet – keep reading to find out how this simple, science-based hack can be used to upgrade your mind, body and spirit.

What is Cold Exposure?

Cold exposure essentially refers to cold being used as a form of therapy and/or treatment. 

Cold therapy has been around for a long time. It has been used by professional athletes (as a means to assist with physical rehabilitation and recovery) and yogis alike (see "Ishnaan" - the Kundalini cold hydrotherapy yogic practice). 

Today, the use of cold as therapy is increasing in popularity among Biohackers and Health Optimisers (“Opties”) - due to its proven ability to reduce inflammation and pain, boost metabolism and cognitive function and even reverse the signs of ageing. 

In the context of Biohacking, the two most popular types of cold exposure, are cryotherapy chambers and cold-water immersion. 

Cryotherapy chambers use liquid nitrogen or refrigerated cold air to create a non-evasive, but intensely cold environment - freezing your body for a short period of time. 

Cold exposure by way of cold-water immersion is available to anyone and can be implemented in any number of ways - including by taking a cold shower, having an at home ice-bath, spending time outside in cold temperatures or taking a cold-water swim/plunge. 

What makes Cold Exposure "so cool" anyways?

The cool thing about cold exposure stems from a concept known as hormesis – which suggests that “good stress” can actually make you physically and mentally stronger.

If you are not already familiar with the very important Biohacking concept of hormesis (which, by the way, is also one of the hottest areas of longevity research at the moment) – do not fret…we’re about to give you the high level run-down, Biohacking Bondi style…

Hormesis basically refers to the idea that mild, periodic stress (such as heat or cold exposure, intermittent fasting or high intensity interval exercise, for example) can trigger healthy adaptive responses. These adaptive biological responses have shown the potential to have a number of significant health and wellbeing benefits - including improving the body’s cellular processes, slowing aging and increasing resilience and tolerance to future stressors (mental or physical).

In a nutshell, science now recognises that living outside your “comfort zone” may actually be a good thing and that strategically causing periodic, short-lived stress to your body may improve your health – right down to the cellular level. How cool is that!? 

How Does Cold Exposure actually work?

So, what exactly happens to your body when it is periodically exposed to short periods of extreme cold…

By knocking your body out of its normal homeostasis (“comfort zone”), cold exposure sparks the “fight or flight” response within your body. This then triggers a variety of cellular processes and cellular signaling pathways - including those that repair cellular damage and DNA, produce new mitochondria, improve circulation, reduce inflammation within the body and support the body’s elimination of toxins. 

Added Bonus: All of the above responses also have the effect of slowing aging!

Extra Added Bonus: Regular cold exposure may improve your body’s physical and emotional resilience. This is particularly epic because cold exposure has the potential to not only lead to an improved stress response to future cold exposure - but also in response to other physical and mental stressors that may creep up on you in your daily life (say, for example, those that may arise when visiting an airport these days…)

Long-term benefits of short-term Cold Exposure

If you are not already convinced to get out of your “comfort zone” and brave the cold, below is a list of benefits that result from regular exposure to cold that just might win you over:

  • improves immune function

  • improves energy and mood and cognitive functioning

  • reduces stress, inflammation and pain

  • ramps-up metabolism and fat burning

  • improves circulation

  • increases performance, power and recovery (when used after exercise)

  • improves antioxidant balance (even more than some supplementation!)

  • strengthens the nervous system by stimulating the Vagus Nerve (stay tuned for Biohacking Bondi’s upcoming article about the epic Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) “Biohack”…)

Cold exposure has been proven to have the potential to increase performance, decrease recovery time, reduce inflammation and pain, improve overall health, mood and wellbeing and slow down the ageing process - as far as "Biohacks" go... this one packs some serious punch!

Are you ready to take the plunge?

It is scientifically proven that certain stressors create a positive response in the body. Just a few minutes of intense cold temperatures daily can provide a variety of immediate and sustained health benefits.

Exposing yourself to cold temperatures can be very uncomfortable at first, no doubt - but pushing the limits of your body and mind is kinda the whole point!

By taking yourself outside of your comfort-zone and adopting a consistent cold exposure routine – you have the potential to improve your performance, recovery, cellular health, immunity, brain functioning, mood and energy levels. Taking cold showers may even be the secret to living longer! 

Many people (including us here at Biohacking Bondi) have also noticed a huge increase in will-power through adopting a regular cold exposure routine (such as a daily cold-shower habit). By adopting this one practice, you can also train your nervous system to become more resilient in general - both physically and mentally.

Trust us, the hardest part is taking that first plunge. With such a variety of short and long-term benefits, it begs the question - where will your cold journey take you…

Biohacking Bondi

*Fine print. This is not medical advice. Caution should be exercised with any form of sudden temperature change in your environment. Always consult your doctor before trying any "Biohacks" at home.


